Holy Family is a National Autism Society accredited school!

Holy Family Catholic School and Sixth Form Accredited Certificate 2025 2 page 0001

At Holy Family, the care for the SEND children is at the core of our values and we are passionate about including them in all aspects of school life. Our teachers ensure that every child is provided with an appropriate level of challenge and makes steady progress. 

We have effective systems in place to make sure that the school’s staff have a good understanding of each child’s strengths and needs and bespoke support is offered when required. 

We endeavour to work closely and in partnership with parents of SEND students and, when deemed necessary, seek the support of outside agencies. 

The SENDCO’s surgery runs every Monday 3.30 pm - 4.30 pm.

Please email to book an appointment:

Monika Scullion - SENDCO

Gabriela Pietrzyk - Assistant SENDCO

Maureen Murray - Year 7 Transition coordinator

Janette Heath - EAL coordinator

For further details on Waltham Forest Local Offer click here.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

For information on how we support students with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) please click on the documents below:

School Information Report - 2024/2025

SEND Policy

Guidance for parents, carers and students about access arrangements