Curriculum Information

Curriculum Intent
The curriculum at Holy Family Catholic school is broad, balanced and inclusive. It aims to give every student, regardless of starting points, background or ability, the opportunity to fulfil their potential and use their gifts and talents for the common good.
The curriculum is underpinned by our ASPIRE values:
Achieve: Through excellent teaching and a rigorous approach, we aim to ensure that each student achieves the grades they need to progress and succeed
Study: Through our well-designed curriculum we aim to equip each student with the skills needed to know, remember and do more 
Participate: Through a wide-ranging extra-curricular and student leadership programme, each student is able to participate fully in the wider life of the school and their community
Independence: Through well-planned lessons and excellent study resources we aim to foster independent study skills 
Respect: Through our Personal Development and wider curriculum  we encourage respect and equality for all in line with our Catholic ethos
Enjoy: Through our extra-curricular and enrichment offer we offer every student the chance to develop their talents and enjoy their time at school both in and out of the classroom.
Therefore our curriculum:
  • Is holistic, encompassing academic disciplines, enrichment, cultural capital and character development
  • Develops mastery, with knowledge being developed from Year 6 to Year 13 through detailed curriculum plans 
  • Is knowledge based, building skills and knowledge from one stage to the next
  • Is engaging and challenging
  • Promotes literacy, oracy and numeracy
  • Promotes aspiration through high expectations and challenging content 
Holy Family Curriculum Statement
For curriculum information please click on the relevant year group below.

Each booklet contains information on subjects and contact details for Curriculum Leaders as well as information on homework and assessments.

Key Stage 3

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Key Stage 4

Year 10

Year 11

Key Stage 5

Year 12

Year 13

PSHCE Curriculum Years 7 to 13


Personal Development & PSHCE Policy

Functional Skills 

Years 10, 11, 12, 13